Mp3 Download song Authority Zero Rattlin' Bog FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Authority Zero song lyrics

Authority Zero - Rattlin' Bog Lyrics

Oh ho the rattlin' bog
The bog down in the valley-oh
Oh ho the rattlin' bog
The bog down in the valley-oh

Now, in this bog,
There was a tree,
A rare tree,
A rattlin' tree,
The tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


Now, on this tree,
There was a limb,
A rare limb,
A rattlin' limb,
The limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


Now, on this limb,
There was a branch,
A rare branch,
A rattlin' branch,
The branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


On this branch,
There was a twig,
A rare twig,
A rattlin' twig,
The twig on the branch
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


On this twig,
There was a nest,
A rare nest,
A rattlin' nest,
The nest on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


In the nest,
There was an egg,
A rare egg,
A rattlin' egg,
The egg in the nest,
And the nest on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


On the egg,
There was a bird,
A rare bird,
A rattlin' bird,
The bird on the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


On the bird,
There was feather,
A rare feather,
A rattlin' feather,
The feather on the bird,
And the bird on the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


On the feather,
There was a flea,
A rare flea,
A rattlin' flea
The flea on the feather,
And the feather on the bird,
And the bird on the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the twig,
And the twig on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-oh!


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